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                Welcome to www.hualipump.com
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                Address: NO.2 Sanjia Shizhu Industry Area, Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
                Tel: 0086-576-88122311
                Fax: 0086-576-88122928
                Email: sales@hualipump.com
                Website: www.hualipump.com
                About Us
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                Taizhou Huali Mechanical Co., Ltd was established in 1994,located in the hometown of sprayer area, Jiaojiang district, Taizhou city, Zhejiang, China, with prosperous economy and convenient communication. Our company specialized in power sprayer, gasoline engine, generator, gasoline water pump, knapsack power sprayer, PVC high pressure hose and spare parts.

                We are keeping the principle of "best quality, continuous development",now we own the most advanced manufacturing and inspecting equipment, which can provide products with confidential and reliable quality. Our products successfully pass international certificates, such as IS09001:2000 international quality management system, and CE certificate, etc. After 20 years development,our products are well sold and popular all over the world.

                "Aim for the best, win with superior quality", we insist in providing best to customers .We are sincerely expecting your cooperation!

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